URL rewriting is the process of accepting the web request and redirect it to some resource.Most often url rewriting is used for making our urls SEO Friendly.
We can rewrite our Urls either by using
1) Http Context in Application_BeginRequest in Global.asax file .
2) Use System.Web.Routing to register routes in routes collection and then redirect based on those routes.
Using Http Context:-
We can rewrite url using http context.Whenever a request is made to the server,application begin request is fired and in that we can get the path requested and redirect to that path.
To register and routes in routes collection the first most important step is to import System.Web.Routing in Global.asax file.
Then we have to declare a method a method to register routes and call that method on
The various parameters in MapPageRoute are
1)We can ignore certain files from url rewrite by just passing them in Ignore method
The above code will ignore all js,css,png files from url rewrite.
2)We can also pass parameters as query string to a page when we do url rewrite
Suppose our page url looks like
then we can rewrite it as
To achieve such type of Url rewrite we have to add route like this
In the product.aspx page we have to add reference to the System.Web>Routing Namespace and we can collect that id using RouteData.Values Method of Page class
We can rewrite our Urls either by using
1) Http Context in Application_BeginRequest in Global.asax file .
2) Use System.Web.Routing to register routes in routes collection and then redirect based on those routes.
Using Http Context:-
We can rewrite url using http context.Whenever a request is made to the server,application begin request is fired and in that we can get the path requested and redirect to that path.
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender,EventArgs e) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; string path = context.Request.Path.ToLower(); if(path.Equals("/AP")) { context.RewritePath("~/AndhraPradesh.aspx"); } }Using System.Web.Routing:-
To register and routes in routes collection the first most important step is to import System.Web.Routing in Global.asax file.
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Routing" %>
Then we have to declare a method a method to register routes and call that method on
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Code that runs on application startup RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapPageRoute("", "", "~/Default.aspx"); routes.MapPageRoute("", "seo/", "~/seo.aspx"); }
The various parameters in MapPageRoute are
routeName Type: System.String The name of the route.
routeUrl Type: System.String The URL pattern for the route.
physicalFile Type: System.String The physical URL for the route.
checkPhysicalUrlAccess Type: System.Boolean A value that indicates whether ASP.NET should validate that the user has authority to access the physical URL (the route URL is always checked). This parameter sets the PageRouteHandler.CheckPhysicalUrlAccess property.
defaults Type: System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary Default values for the route parameters.
1)We can ignore certain files from url rewrite by just passing them in Ignore method
routes.Ignore("{*alljs}", new { alljs = @".*\.js(/.*)?" }); routes.Ignore("{*allpng}", new { allpng = @".*\.png(/.*)?" }); routes.Ignore("{*allcss}", new { allcss = @".*\.css(/.*)?" });
The above code will ignore all js,css,png files from url rewrite.
2)We can also pass parameters as query string to a page when we do url rewrite
Suppose our page url looks like
then we can rewrite it as
To achieve such type of Url rewrite we have to add route like this
routes.MapPageRoute("", "product/{Id}", "~/product.aspx");
In the product.aspx page we have to add reference to the System.Web>Routing Namespace and we can collect that id using RouteData.Values Method of Page class
if (Page.RouteData.Values["Id"] != null) { string id = Page.RouteData.Values["Id"].ToString(); }
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